Thursday, February 19, 2009

The fabric between fiddling and football

I went to McKay's Public House this evening to have dinner and listen to a co-worker (and friend)'s daughter fiddling. She was incredible. She has only been playing for five or six years and is way better than I could ever be. She's been in multiple bands and in at least one orchestra. Practices at least three hours a day. AND seems to be like a normal 13 year old. Her notes were so pure and strong, her double stops right on, her fingering pristine.

I've always wanted to be really good at something, to have a talent for something. You know, like the college football star who is fabulous and loves to go to practice, to hold a football.

I've never been just good at something. I've never had that burning passion for something. I've never had talent and the drive to become better. I thought I had it for dance when I was a dancer. But I was never really great at dance, I never went to the next level. And even if I had that drive, I wasn't meant for a ballet dancer, couldn't hack it as a modern dancer.

I thought for sure I had it for riding. I have a talent there. I can stay on a rearing horse, I have the patience to teach ground manners, I can go into autopilot whenever I'm in trouble, and I really good at preping for a horse show. I ahve But without a horse, I've stopped advancing. I can ride anything, but I can't do it really well. I'm an ok rider. I'd be placed in most advanced classes, riding advanced riders at most riding schools, but I'm not an advanced rider. I can't go over fences. I can't rope a cow. I can sit on the back of a pleasure horse.

On the other hand, I love horses, I am inspired by them, I am empowered by them. Maybe that's what talent is, maybe that's what makes greatness.

I'm also good at inspiring others to do big things...but is it enough to be the guy the guy depends on? I don't know.

I want to be great.

1 comment:

  1. I think the key question is "what is greatness?".

    It is clearly more than mere technical skill, though being really good at something certainly helps.

    I think there's an element of ownership of a process, an internalization of the essence of the activity and the merger of that with your own experience, that is released in a brilliant streak of virtuosity when true greatness occurs. It's something far deeper than technical execution.

    I think the desire for greatness often reflects a potential for it.
